Navigating Anxiety Through the Power of Soul Connection

How do we navigate the often confusing crossroads of anxiety and spiritual development? Join me as I converse with the insightful coach, Joy Stone. We venture deep into a topic that many grapple with - understanding ourselves at a soul level - and moving through anxiety. Together, we investigate the role of intuition in carving out decisions that resonate with our true selves. Joy opens up about her personal journey, growing up in an unstable environment, and her insightful understanding of anxiety as feedback, a signal that we're not in harmony with our soul. We also discuss her enlightening book “If I'm so Spiritual, Why Am I Still so Anxious?”

Our enlightening exchange takes us down the path of self-discovery and healing, examining how childhood events can trigger energetic shifts. We highlight the power of connecting with our soul to navigate anxiety, depression, and trauma. We also delve into the lessons Yoga has to offer, particularly the practice of abyasa and viragya, or practice and detachment, as a tool for deepening our connection with our true selves. Joy illuminates her experience with detaching from habitual thoughts, giving us insight into how we can shape our feelings and thoughts.

As we unfold layers of our conversation, we stress the importance of shedding energetic patterns and distortions, and how practices like Qigong and Yoga can serve as valuable tools in this process. Joy and I pinpoint the value of recognizing patterns, speaking our truth, and how our childhood experiences impact our energetic shifts. We wrap up with a focus on discovering personal meaning, pleasure, and alignment. Joy generously shares a useful exercise to help listeners quiet their mind and visualize their day ahead, inviting everyone to venture into their own journey of self-discovery and spiritual alignment.


0:05:59 - Discovering the Deeper Meaning of Anxiety (64 Seconds)

0:11:45 - The Problem With Anxiety and Identity (94 Seconds)

0:16:16 - Discovering Our True Nature's Power (50 Seconds)

0:19:19 - Exploring Deeper Connections and Self-Healing (84 Seconds)

0:23:50 - Clearing Distortions - Connecting to True Nature (117 Seconds)

0:26:45 - Personal Growth, Family Patterns (102 Seconds)

0:32:19 - Managing Time and Emotions in Relationships (119 Seconds)

0:36:13 - From Good Girl to Speaking Up (157 Seconds)

0:46:11 - Meditation and Visualization for the Day (69 Seconds)


The Hekate Calling Podcast explores the intersection of business expansion, feminine embodiment, ancestral healing and the awakening of your soul.

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