10-Week Somatic Trauma Training for Therapists ~interwoven~

In this live, experiential online program, learn how to integrate trauma-aware and body-based approaches rooted in yoga therapy and epigenetics for both personal and professional transformation. And uncover the science and therapeutic theory behind a fresh approach to psychological and emotional wellness.

Fridays - September 27 to December 6
9 am to 11 am PDT / 10 am to Noon MDT / 11 am to 1 pm CDT / Noon to 2 pm EDT

Expand Your Expertise

Balance Your Body & Mind

Heal Embodied Patterns

The body is the gateway to true healing and uncovering the invisible forces at play in your family of origin is the key to unraveling trauma at its roots.

But this isn't something that is often taught in Western medicine, psychology or counseling degrees, or even in yoga teacher trainings. That's why we created ~interwoven~ - our 10-week somatic trauma therapy training to disentangle the roots of trauma and embody the resilience to transcend it.

September 27th to December 6th

10-Week Somatic Trauma Training for Therapists

This LIVE, EXPERIENTIAL online training is for you if you are ready to learn powerful, body-based ways to transcend embodied patterns keeping you or your clients stuck:

  • Mental health therapists

  • Medical professionals

  • Coaches

  • Wellness practitioners

  • Individuals on a healing path

$1,999 Pay in Full OR 4 Payments of $500

Explore healing from a fresh perspective rooted in yoga therapy and epigenetics.

We will be exploring frameworks, theories and practices of somatic oriented inquiry, compassion and empathy, yoga therapy, attachment & relational neuroscience, personal & inherited family trauma, and family & systemic constellations to tend to our internal world and intergenerational trauma.


Here are the main topics we will cover inside ~interwoven~:


  • Introduction to the Kosha Model & Yogic perspective of trauma

  • Introduction to the Nervous System and the effects of meditation/movement on the brain

  • Nervous system regulation practices rooted in yoga therapy

  • Effective strategies to navigate stress and the resulting inflammation

  • Introduction to Yoga Nidra Meditation with script to use

  • Meditations to get in touch with pain


  • Systemic approaches rooted in the family of origin

  • Biology of behavior (i.e., genetics, epigenetics, neuroscience)

  • Explore and resolve The Mother Wound and how early childhood experiences impact our lives

  • Integrative body psychotherapy and case studies to integrate the teachings

  • Meditations to resolve the root of your pain

We do the inner work so we connect from wholeness, instead of needing others to make us whole.

We do the inner work to live with self acceptance, instead of plugging into others for our sense of worth.


~interwoven~ Dates:

Begins Friday, September 27th and ends on Friday, December 6th

We’ll Meet:

Every Friday - September 27th to December 6th
9 am to 11 am PDT
10 am to Noon am MDT
11 am to 1 pm pm CDT
Noon to 2 pm EDT
5 pm to 7 pm UK

There will be a break for Thanksgiving holiday in the USA on November 29th.

What’s Included:

  • 10 Weeks of training

  • Additional modules on theory and application

  • Home practice for further integration

  • A Whatsapp group

  • Handouts and Resources

  • Certificate of Completion


Pay in Full: $1,999

Payment Plan: 4 Installments of $500

Alyssa Pfennig

Alyssa is a Yoga Therapist and has trained many yoga teachers and mental health professionals since 2017.

She has clinical experience sharing yoga as a therapy with veterans for several years as a part of the POYSE research study between the VA Hospital and the Department of Physical Therapy at Indiana University.

She also worked as a yoga therapist within a specialized clinic inside Eskenazi Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana.

She enjoys sharing all of her wellness and business experience with her clients, plus her deep ancient wisdom in Eastern medicine, the divine feminine and ancestral lineage repair.

Johanna Lynn

Johanna is the founder of The Family Imprint Institute with an international private practice. As an expert in the field of epigenetics, she offers a unique perspective on how family history can unknowingly shape your life.

Headlines in Time magazine, Science Journal, The New York Times are all exploring the impacts of intergenerational trauma.

An adept facilitator with 20 years expertise in working with what the body remembers, our earliest experiences that profoundly influence our lives.


Weave your expertise with powerful body-centered practices that cultivate wholeness and embodied transformation for yourself and your clients.

You'll learn how to:

✨Embody greater wholeness: approach yourself and life with greater resilience, understanding, and presence.

✨Cultivate a healthier nervous system: discover practices to promote resilience and emotional regulation.

✨Support your clients' transformation: guide others towards embodied shifts and lasting positive change.

✨Integrate powerful, holistic processes rooted in yoga therapy and epigenetics to support greater wholeness as well as embodied and organic, sustainable shifts for yourself and your clients.