Wild Wisdom Collective

An intimate mastermind + sacred gatherings for women beginning January 2024

This mastermind is a sacred container for female entrepreneurs, experts and leaders who are ready to take their business to their next level of success and live their most authentic life full of spherical abundance in time, freedom, money and joy.

Elevate Your Business

Grow Your Wealth

Nourish Your Wellbeing

  • You’ve built a business or career and you’re ready for your next level of success.

  • You’re ready to structure your days how you prefer and have more time to do the things you love, but you want to stay relevant and in demand, double your revenue, expand your visibility, maybe build a platform so you can launch your book or scale a team so your business can run without you.

I’m talking about expanding the way your business works and living the life you have always dreamed ofwithout the hustle.

  • You might need brand messaging clarity, a more effective marketing strategy, a stronger team that actually supports you, a larger platform, a dream speaking engagement, a book deal, or a 7-figure product suite.

But if you really want to know the secrets to living your most authentic life, including more time, freedom, money and more… it actually has nothing to do with business at all.

It’s about a sacred COMMUNITY of like-minded women in your corner…and releasing deeply-rooted beliefs and healing unseen core wounds that are keeping you stuck.

Who you surround yourself with matters.

You need a powerhouse of passionate, driven, and successful woman like yourself by your side. The kind of people who “totally get” what you’re trying to do in your life & business…because they are too!

The Wild Wisdom Collective is an elite mastermind group for established women entrepreneurs, experts and leaders at the top of their industry who are on a mission to live their most unapologetic life and design their business to allow them to do so.

Every new season of growth in your business will bring new opportunities & challenges that require you to think and act differently. And part of your job is learning how to become the CEO your business needs you to be…and also ensuring that your business isn’t running you, so you can live life on your terms.

You're an entrepreneur, expert or leader at the top of your industry and you need an ally on your side. Whether you're breaking 6 figures or hitting 7 figures and beyond, it’s time to break through those new phases of growth and design your business to give you the freedom you wanted since day one.

I get it!

You’re successful on so many levels. But you have dreams beyond the daily grind that got you there. It’s possible.

I’ve successfully brought several businesses to life, including creating, expanding, and then selling a 2,500 sq. ft. yoga studio and wellness center for six figures and launching a digital marketing agency that set the stage for my digital nomad life. Now, I share all of this real-world experience with you, so you don’t have to learn the hard way, integrating coaching and proven digital and offline marketing strategies.

What clients are saying…


You will learn how to elevate your business model to multi-six or seven-figure revenue potential through the power of:


  • brand building

  • marketing strategy

  • organizational development

  • improved process and systems

  • business modeling

  • product and program development

  • profitability planning


  • empowered Divine Feminine leadership

  • gathering in sacred space with other women

  • clearing hidden distortion patterns rooted in your lineage

  • raising your frequency vibration to attract spherical abundance

  • opening to receive

  • learning to flow and go with a deep well of creativity


Mastermind Dates:

Begins January 2024 and closes January 2025

We’ll Meet:

  • 2x per Month as a Mastermind - Tuesdays at 12 pm ET (90 minutes)

  • Quarterly (4) 1:1 Business Coaching Calls (90-minutes)

What’s Included:

  • Text Support via Signal Weekdays (private and group chats)

  • A luxurious, Wild Wisdom Retreat (Choose from Mexico or Scotland in 2024!…or upgrade and join me in Tanzania!)



Pay in Full and Save $$$

$15,000 PIF, plus Bonuses*

Payment Plan:

12 Installments of $1500

15 Installments of $999** (before November 30th)

*PIF Bonuses:

  • $3K Savings

  • Additional 60-minute 1:1 Kickoff Call with Alyssa

  • Customized 4-hour VIP Day with Alyssa
    Online or In-Person in Mexico or Indianapolis, Indiana

**Before November 30th ENROLLMENT BONUSES:

  • $3K Savings with Extended Payment Plan

  • 6 Weeks 1:1 Coaching ($5,000 Value)

More than a mastermind…

The Wild Wisdom Collective is a business and spiritual mastermind combining business growth strategies with:

  • Sacred, intimate gatherings of like-minded women

  • Clearing distortion patterns of lineage, culture and society

  • Raising your frequency to attract spherical abundance

  • Knowing your worth as a woman and opening to receive

  • Learning to flow and go with a deep well of feminine creativity

We’ll dive into topics like:

  • Success Strategy

    Start each month with clarity on exactly what you plan to achieve with our signature strategy sessions.

    You’ll make sure that the work you’re doing and the investments you make serve your broader business and life vision.

  • Profitability Planning

    Learn how to go beyond looking just at revenue targets and instead proactively focus on profitability.

    You’ll stop thinking about your business as a project and start thinking of it as a way to future-proof your wealth.

  • Brand Authority

    Go deep on your brand while learning how to bring them out in your business.

    Learn how to create a visual brand identity for your business or new program that attracts your ideal clients and tells the world why they should pay attention!

  • Powerful Systems

    Learn how to build systems in your business that will turbo-charge your success.

    We’ll help you build or refine your business model and create simple, effective systems that take the pressure off YOU to do it all.

  • Mindset Makeover

    Your belief determines your actions. There’s no way around it. CEOs do NOT have the same mindset as employees. Which means if you want to act like a CEO, you also need to think like one. and get over imposter syndrome, too.

  • Effective Teams

    Ready to increase income and profits while lowering stress levels?

    We will help you understand *why* you need help and *how* to build an effective team and business culture.

It’s time to define your own version of success.

 The Wild Wisdom Collective is designed to help you get really clear on WHAT you desire in your life and to HELP you design your business to get you there! 

 You’ll be surrounded by other women who, like you, have big dreams for their life and business. You’ll have a place to just BE YOU, knowing that as fellow women entrepreneurs, experts and leaders...we get it. You’ll find a SISTERHOOD of support, encouragement and inspiration that you simply can’t generate on your own.

 So, if you’re ready to rise into your highest potential this year and beyond, it’s time to join the Wild Wisdom Collective.